Fullerton College is now providing access to Office 365, a web based service that provides a feature-rich set of tools for collaboration using Microsoft cloud-based products like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive, SharePoint and cloud based email. Thru our licensing agreement with Microsoft, currently enrolled students and employees can also download and install Microsoft Office Pro Plus, providing you with the latest Office applications on your home computer and mobile devices.
Campus employees and currently enrolled students can access the cloud-based office suite, install copies of Microsoft Office to their home and mobile devices and utilize the online collaboration tools starting Spring 2015.
Employees who would like to take full advantage of Office 365's collaborative features will need to have Office 2013 installed on their workstation. Employees can submit a service request for Office 2013 via the campus Service Request System at http://fcsrs.fullcoll.edu
Call campus email for Students, Faculty and Staff is now provided through Office 365. You can access it via the Sign-In link, using your Fullerton College email address, then selecting the Outlook icon.
For students, you will need to use your new campus email address
For employees, you will need to use your campus email address
Then simply login by clicking below.